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5 Reasons You Need a Water Breaker

There's a reason that all the professionals use them.

This is a water breaker. All of those little holes on the front of it break up the water coming out of the hose. This reduces the impact of the water on your beautiful flowers by spreading out the area it covers.

Unfortunately, this is what most people use to water plants with instead of a breaker

Unfortunately, this is what most people water with.

Here's 5 reasons why you should definitely be using a breaker instead.


#1. Water Flow

The large volume of water makes quick work of properly watering plants. Many other water nozzles don't put out much water. The low volume means it takes too long and It's easy to get bored with watering. People falsely assume they've done a good job even though half of the soil is still dry underneath.

This is your typical hose end sprayer. It has the dial you can turn to choose different spray patterns. These are great for washing the car and other household chores, but in terms of watering plants, they don’t put out enough flow. The hole that water can come out of is usually only 1/4". That's nowhere near enough.

This is from a Dramm water breaker. This hole is roughly 5/8ths of an inch! That's basically full flow from the hose right to the breaker. It's 5 times as big as the one above!


#2. Gentleness

The gentle spray from a water breaker wont flatten or damage tender flowers, or blast dirt out of pots.


#3. Control

When paired with a shutoff valve, you can easily adjust the water flow from a mere trickle to full blast using just your thumb.


#4. Reach

Many breakers come paired with a watering wand and shutoff valve like you see here! These are a great way to be able to reach hanging baskets and the backs of deep flower beds.


#5. You'll Look Professional

There's a reason that we use them.

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