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Plants For Every Tough Spot

Got a problem spot? Need a tough plant?

This is the list you were waiting for!


Shade Garden Plants

(Less than 1 hour of direct sun)


(Die down, but come back on their own every year)

  • Hostas (blue, yellow, varigated)

  • Astilbe (pink, red, white)

  • Heuchera, (many colors)

  • Columbine(many colors)

  • Bleeding Heart (pink, white, dwarf)

  • Ferns (Japanese Painted, Ostrich, Cinnamon, Leatherwood)

  • Bugloss

  • Jacobs Ladder

  • Goxglove

  • Lady's Mantle


(Low growing, spreading, come back every year)

  • Vinca Minor

  • Pachysandra

  • Houttuynia (aggressive spreader)

  • Ajuga (aggressive spreader)

  • Lilly of the Valley (aggressive spreader)

  • Aegopodium (aggressive spreader)

  • Plumbago

  • Dead Nettle

  • Sweet Woodruff


(Woody plants that don't die back to the ground)

  • Annabelle Hydrangea

  • Limelight Hydrangea

  • Little lime Hydrangea

  • PeeGee Hydrangea

  • Tardiva Hydreangea

  • Little Henry Sweetspire

  • Variegated Redtwig Dogwood

  • Autumn Jazz Viburnum

  • Chicago Lustre Viburnum

  • Fragrant Viburnum

  • Doublefile Viburnum


  • Serviceberry

  • Redbud

Evergreen Shrubs

(Woody plants that keep their leaves all winter)

  • Boxwood

  • Upright Yews

  • Densi Yews

  • Holly


(Flower all season, but must be replanted every year)

  • Impatiens

  • New Guinea Impatens

  • Miniature Impatiens

  • Double Impatiens

  • Wishbone Flower

  • Polka Dot Plant

  • Coleus

  • Wax Begonia

  • Reiger Begonia

  • Dragon Wing Begonia

  • Streptocarpella


Drought Tolerant Plants

(Once established)


(Die down, but come back on their own every year)

  • Autumn Joy Sedum

  • Black Eyed Susan

  • Butterfly Milkweed

  • Yarrow

  • Daylilies (many colors)

  • False Indigo

  • Liatris

  • Moonbeam Coreopsis

  • Zagreb Coreopsis

  • Husker Red Penstemon

  • Coneflower (purple and white)

  • Russian Sage (regular and dwarf)

  • Gauara

  • Lavender

  • Liatris

  • Elija Blue Fescue

  • Karl Foerster Reed Grass

  • Fountain Grass

  • Hammeln grass

  • Hardy Pampas Grass

  • Morning Light Maiden Grass


(Low growing, spreading, come back every year)

  • Vinca Minor

  • Missouri Primrose

  • Groundcover Sedum (many varieties)

  • Hens and Chicks


(Woody plants that don't die back to the ground)

  • Crimson Pygmy Barberry

  • Yellow Barberry

  • Dwarf Yellow Barberry

  • Common Lilac

  • Tiger Eye Sumac

  • Yucca

Evergreen Shrubs

(Woody plants that keep their leaves all winter)

  • Junipers

  • Dwarf Alberta Spruce

  • Yews


Hummingbird Plants


(Woody plants that don't die back to the ground)

  • Azalea

  • Honeysuckle Bush

  • Weigela (many varieties)


  • Morning Glory

  • Scarlet Runner Bean

  • Trumpet Vine

  • Honeysuckle Vine

  • Black Eyed Susan Vine


(Die down, but come back on their own every year)

  • Yarrow

  • Bee Balm

  • Cardinal Flower

  • Columbine

  • Delphinium

  • Foxglove

  • Hosta

  • Pennstemon

  • Yucca

  • Perennial Salvia

  • Butterfly Weed

  • Butterfly Bush

  • New England Aster

  • Joe Pye Weed

  • Liatris

  • Oriental Lilies

  • Day Lilies

  • Tall Phlox


(Flower all season, but must be replanted every year)

  • Canna

  • Fuchsia

  • Petunia

  • Salvia

  • Heliotrope

  • Pentas

  • Nicotiana

  • Impatiens

  • Lantana

  • Marigold

  • Sunflower

  • Verbena

  • Zinnia


Butterfly plants


(Flower all season, but must be replanted every year)

  • Ageratum

  • Cosmos

  • Gomphrena

  • Heliotrope

  • Lantana

  • Marigold

  • Nasturtium

  • Nicotiana

  • Petunia

  • Salvia

  • Statice

  • Snapdragon

  • Sweet Alyssum

  • Verbena

  • Zinnia


(Woody plants that don't die back to the ground)

  • Common Lilac

  • Dwarf Lilac

  • Potentilla

  • Privet

  • Fragrant Viburnum

  • Arrow-wood Viburnum


(Die down, but come back on their own every year)

  • Catnip

  • Chives

  • Lavender

  • Mint

  • Coreopsis

  • Aster

  • Bee Balm

  • Blanket Flower

  • Butterfly Weed

  • Coreopsis

  • Daylily

  • Liatris

  • Hollyhock

  • Joe Pye Weed

  • Mallow

  • Milkweed

  • Tall Phlox

  • Pincushion Flower

  • Creeping Phlox

  • Coneflower

  • Black Eyed Susan

  • Sedum

  • Shasta Daisy

  • Yarrow

  • Agastache

  • Columbine

  • Campanula

  • Delphinium


Wet Areas


(Die down, but come back on their own every year)

  • Goatsbeard

  • Astillbe

  • Bergenia

  • Turtlehead

  • Ligularia

  • Bee Balm

  • Spiderwort

  • Cardinal Flower


  • Sweet Woodruff


  • Red Twig Dogwood

  • Dwarf Arctic Blue Willow

  • Dappled Willow

  • Arrow-wood Viburnum


  • Red Maple

  • Bald Cypress

  • Serviceberry

  • River Birch

  • Paperbark Birch

  • Honeylocust


Deer Resistant


  • Silver Mound Artemisia

  • Hollyhocks

  • Astilbe

  • Coreopsis

  • Delphinium

  • Bleeding Heart (pink, white and old fashioned)

  • Lavender

  • Evening Primrose

  • Russian Sage (regular and dwarf)

  • Tall Phlox

  • Black Eyed Susan

  • Perennial Salvia

  • Lambs Ear

  • Bergenia


  • Lantana

  • Dusty Miller

  • Moss Rose

  • Salvia (blue, red, purple and white)


  • Ajuga

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